Guest Teaching

We occasionally receive questions about Kristie's availability to visit women's groups as a guest teacher.  If you may be interested, please review the following and then contact us directly for more information (

NOTE: As of January, 2023, Kristie is not currently accepting any additional speaking engagements. Check back here for any updates on her availability.

What do you mean by "guest teacher"? 
What types of events do you lead?

We use the term "guest teacher" because Kristie's strengths are with classroom-style interactions; yet classrooms have many different forms and sizes, and Kristie is glad to work with many different types of groups!  We do have a few items that will help ensure a good fit between Kristie and your group:

What is necessary in terms of planning and logistics?

We require one thing:

  • A well-lit venue where Kristie and all attendees can see one another (i.e. not a dark auditorium with a brightly lit stage)

We are very flexible on some things:

  • Size of group: Kristie is skilled at teaching groups of all sizes, from small discussion groups to classes of over 100 students.  

  • Style of meeting: Kristie has taught at a variety of events and can adapt material to suit a variety of needs and schedules.  These include everything from multi-day seminars with several lectures and accompanying breakout sessions to part-day events with just one or two class sessions.  See below for more information on possible formats.

  • Composition of group:  Though it works well for Kristie to speak to an existing Bible study class or women's ministry, she is also glad to speak at special events.  In addition, she teaches about Christian life and faith in a way that recognizes there may be both believers and unbelievers in the class--and makes application to both.

We recommend a few things:

  • Tables or desks for attendees.

  • A schedule that allows Kristie to spend time informally with some of the attendees before and/or during the event.

  • Groups in which at least some members ask questions and/or comment during lessons.  

  • Group members willing to do personal study, reflection and prayer related to the event topic.

Do we have to be using your studies?

It is not required that groups be completing one of Kristie's studies when she visits!

Yet we do ask that at least one group member be familiar with Kristie's material and teaching style and believe that a visit from her would be helpful for your group.  If you have a large group, we ask that at least one of the group leaders be familiar with Kristie's work.  

You may order Kristie's studies via this site, view free sample pages, and listen to free online lectures as you consider inviting her to speak.

What costs are involved?

In general, groups provide for Kristie's travel, lodging, and meals during visits and also provide an honorarium related to the size of the group and the duration of the event.  Please contact us for more specific information.

Whenever possible, we like to work with groups to keep costs from being a hindrance, so please contact us even if you aren't sure whether your group could provide a certain amount of funding! 

How far in advance should we contact you?

Because of church and family responsibilities, Kristie is available for only a limited number of speaking engagements, and we appreciate as much advance notice as possible.  It may be easier to schedule an event if your dates are flexible.

What topics would Kristie teach?

Below you will see a list of several lessons that Kristie has prepared to use as a guest teacher.  Her current set of lessons fall under the theme "Living Beautifully: Aligning our Lives with the Plans and Purposes of God."  

For shorter events, most of these lessons can stand alone, so you may request any one or two of the sessions listed below.

For longer events, Kristie presents material from the first lecture ("Beholding the Beauty of the Lord"), which introduces the theme and provides background information for the series.  In addition to this, groups choose from any additional lessons (which work with or without accompanying small group sessions).

For instance, for a one- or two-day event with four sessions, a group would choose the introductory lesson, and then three additional sessions. Please allow approximately one hour per lecture session and 45 minutes per small group session.

What if we have theological differences?

Kristie has taught groups from several different Christian denominations.  If you have questions about the theological fit between Kristie and your group, please review our Statement of Faith and contact us if you have any questions! We'd love to talk with you.

Kristie Gant's Current Lecture Series:

Living Beautifully: Aligning our Lives with the Plans and Purposes of God

Introductory lesson:

Beholding the Beauty of the Lord
In Psalm 27:4 the psalmist declares the thing he most desires and will seek:

“ . . . That I may dwell in the house of the LORD
All the days of my life, 
To behold the beauty of the LORD . . .”

In life, our hearts will desire to be aligned with the plans and purposes of the Lord to the degree that we are impressed by His beauty (loveliness, perfections). One of the ways God has chosen to powerfully reveal His beauty to us is through His work in creation. This session takes hearers on a moving walk through the pages of Scripture, pausing to focus on passages that speak of God as Creator and to connect God’s creative work to life, faith, discipleship and spiritual transformation.

Further sessions:

Praising the Beauty of the Lord (Breakout Session)
This optional session is designed to follow “Beholding the Beauty of the Lord.” Intended for a small group format (one leader and 4-10 participants per group), this session focuses on Psalm 33. As groups read the focal passage and discuss a two-page handout, participants will be encouraged to join with the psalmist in praise of God’s word and work. 

The Beauty of a Heart that Fears the Lord
In the busy pace of life today, the fear of the Lord too easily becomes a forgotten priority and neglected pursuit. Yet it is essential if we desire to live beautifully, aligning our lives with the plans and purposes of God! This session defines the fear of the Lord, identifies the astounding differences it can make, demonstrates how to identify whether or not we genuinely have this fear and calls us to desire a greater fear of the Lord. (Note: This session requires a dry erase board.)

Recognizing a Woman Who Fears the Lord (Breakout Session)
This optional session is designed to follow the lecture “The Beauty of a Heart that Fears the Lord.” Intended for a small group format (one leader and 4-10 participants per group), this session looks at the Proverbs 31 woman. As groups complete and discuss a two-page handout, participants will be encouraged to recognize and pursue a fear of the Lord that impacts their lives, changes their relationships and brings glory to God. 

Great and Precious Promises: The Beauty of Really Trusting God
The promises of God are not just nice thoughts given to comfort us in hard times, but powerful words given to reveal God and to transform our lives, emotions and thinking. Drawing on significant thoughts from several Puritan writers, this session reveals God’s design for the promises of Scripture and presents a vivid picture of how God intends us to live by them. (Note: This session requires a dry erase board.)

Resting in the Promises (Breakout Session)
This optional session is designed to follow the lecture “Great and Precious Promises.” Intended for a small group format (one leader and 4-10 participants per group), this session focuses on Psalm 33. As groups review thoughts from the lecture and discuss a two-page handout, participants will solidify their understanding of how to rest in and faithfully live by the promises of God. 

Beautiful Arguing: Stirring the Heart to Plead With God
C. H. Spurgeon said, “ is the habit of Faith, when she is praying, to use pleas...Faith’s art of wrestling is to plead with God, and say with holy boldness, ‘Let it be thus and thus, for these reasons.’” This session examines several pleas found in Scripture and identifies biblical grounds on which to base pleas for our own lives and for the lives of those we love. It encourages participants to pray in ways that demonstrate a knowledge of the Lord, an alignment of our desires with His, and an appreciation of the value of His deeds.

The Blessings of Pleading in Prayer (Breakout Session)
This optional session is designed to follow the lecture “Beautiful Arguing.” Intended for a small group format (one leader and 4-10 participants per group), this session leads participants to fully examine one of the pleas found in Scripture, with the goal of better understanding the blessings God bestows as we powerfully, yet humbly, bring our concerns before the throne of God. 

Biblical Meditation: A Beautiful Discipline
One of God’s most precious gifts is the ability to think, reason and reflect. The biblical command to meditate calls us to do just that! Biblical meditation is essential as we strive to align our lives with God’s purposes, reflect Christ’s beauty, and live for His glory. In addition to examining Scripture passages about meditation, this session employs a number of quotations and illustrations from Puritan literature to help participants more clearly understand this holy calling. This session also features practical ideas for incorporating biblical meditation into daily life. 

Eyes to See: Living According to a Biblical Worldview
Whether they know it or not, all people have a worldview, and cultivating a biblical worldview allows us to live beautiful, meaningful and godly lives. This session explains four basic elements of worldviews, examines Scripture passages relevant to each of those elements, and memorably illustrates the not-so-beautiful results of living outside of the truth of God. (Note: This session requires a dry erase board.)

Q & A
At the end of any individual session (10-15 additional minutes) or as a separate session at the end of a conference (for any amount of time), Kristie is very happy to participate in a time of question and answer. If you choose this option, please make cards available throughout the conference for participants to record and submit their questions.